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Tri-Power Enzymatic Cleaner


 Product Code – ASP100

Tri-Power Enzymatic Cleaner is a true all-in-one product which has been approved for use in every step of the decontamination process. This includes the sink (hand-washing), ultrasonic, and for all cycles in the washers/sterilizers. The only additional product that may be needed, depending on hospital protocol, is an instrument lubricant at the end of the decontamination process. Tri-Power is completely free-rinsing and no residue will adhere to the instruments after use. It is very important that Tri-Power is not mixed with other chemicals/products. Tri-Power Enzymatic Cleaner manufacturing process is ISO9001:2000 certified and is it registered with the FDA as a Class 1 medical device.


Tri-Power Advanced XP Ultra-Concentrated Enzymatic Cleaner

Product Code – AXP102


At United Biotech, we envisioned a future where instruments and scopes could be cleaned with one product. A product that:

  • Could be used across the whole spectrum of the decontamination process
  • Pass the strictest of clinical and quality standards
  • Help us remain committed to the safety of both the end-user and environment alike

Tri-Power Enzymatic Cart Wash

Product Code – ASC105


At United Biotech, we envisioned a future where instruments and scopes could be cleaned with one product. A product that:

  • Could be used across the whole spectrum of the decontamination process
  • Pass the strictest of clinical and quality standards
  • Help us remain committed to the safety of both the end-user and environment alike